Achieving admissions success is all about telling a compelling story that grabs the attention of admissions officers.

Arise helps you find that story.


Our Mission

Arise is committed to helping you discover your potential, and finding the unique story that lies beneath. We believe the college application process is a special opportunity for self-discovery, and we strive to make the process an enjoyable and stress-free experience.

Whether you score high or low on the SAT, have a good GPA or a mediocre one, or possess a wide or narrow range of extracurriculars, these are only half of what makes a great college application. Your unique voice and the story you tell about yourself makes up the other half. We believe that everyone has a chance to show college admissions their best selves, and the essay is where that will happen.  



Designing a Life You Love

At Arise, we counsel all of our students under the premise of designing a life they will love. We understand that success, both in the college application and in life, starts first with understanding yourself and having genuine passion for what you set out to do.

Read more about how we use design thinking in our methodology.



Inspiration exists, but it must find you working.
— Pablo Picasso